Mir ist heute aufgefallen (im Zuge des SEU Updates, sonst seh ich da selten was von dem Job), dass ich auf einigen Servern folgende Meldung bei freshclam erhalte:
# /usr/local/pd-admin2/bin/freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Sat Sep 4 14:58:41 2021
WARNING: FreshClam previously received error code 429 from the ClamAV Content Delivery Network (CDN).
This means that you have been rate limited by the CDN.
1. Run FreshClam no more than once an hour to check for updates.
FreshClam should check DNS first to see if an update is needed.
2. If you have more than 10 hosts on your network attempting to download,
it is recommended that you set up a private mirror on your network using
cvdupdate (https://pypi.org/project/cvdupdate/) to save bandwidth on the
CDN and your own network.
3. Please do not open a ticket asking for an exemption from the rate limit,
it will not be granted.
WARNING: You are still on cool-down until after: 2021-09-04 18:54:16
simscan versions cdb file built. /var/qmail/simcontrol/simversions.cdb
simscan versions cdb file built. /var/qmail/simcontrol-msa/simversions.cdb
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Bin mir hier keine Schuld bewusst. Hat das noch jemand?